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Should Pregnant Women Buy Life Insurance? Eligibility, Premiums, and When to Apply

By the Bestow Team·October 12, 2021·4 Minute Read

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If you’re pregnant or planning to get pregnant in the near future, there are probably a million things on your mind. From baby-proofing your home and picking out a car seat to prenatal care and visits with a healthcare provider, expectant mothers have a lot on their minds. 

On top of that, you’re likely concerned about maternity coverage and maternity benefits from your health insurance plan, and looking into a children’s health insurance program for your baby.

In addition to all of this new baby planning, you likely have an extensive financial to-do list, too. One thing that might be on your mind: Can you get insurance if you’re pregnant?

With a growing family, it’s no surprise that expecting mothers and new parents research life insurance options — and it’s a common misconception that you can’t ever buy life insurance while pregnant. Not only is it possible, it is also worth looking into.

That’s because, as a general rule, when it comes to life insurance coverage, the younger and healthier you are, the less expensive your premium can be. If you’re starting a family in your mid-twenties and in good health, you can apply for a term life insurance policy, and if approved, lock in a low monthly premium for the next ten, twenty, or even thirty years.

Here’s (nearly) everything you need to know about buying life insurance while pregnant:

Can You Get Life Insurance If You’re Pregnant?

You may discover that some insurance companies won’t issue policies to pregnant women at all, but those are few and far between. Typically, underwriters are trained to evaluate special circumstances like pregnancy. 

For the most part, healthy pregnant women can qualify for life insurance, but here are some things to keep in mind if you are considering life insurance while pregnant.

Stage of Pregnancy

Generally, you are eligible for life insurance through all stages of pregnancy, though some insurance providers will wait until after you’ve given birth to start your policy if you apply after your first trimester. 


The main reason why insurers or providers might review an applicant’s weight is to help determine any future health complications and problems that may arise. 

Health Problems

If you are currently experiencing health problems or complications due to your past or present pregnancy, your potential insurance provider might delay the approval of your application until you’ve given birth.

Does Buying Life Insurance While Pregnant Mean a Higher Monthly Premium?

Generally speaking, applying for term life insurance while pregnant should not give you a higher monthly rate, though every life insurance company has their own rate factors and underwriting practices.

There are a few things that may lead to higher premiums while pregnant: 

  • Complications with previous pregnancies 
  • Pre-eclampsia
  • Pre-existing condition that may create a high-risk pregnancy
  • Gestational Diabetes
  • Weight gain

If you’re generally healthy, your monthly rate should not increase just because you’re pregnant. However, whether or not pregnancy increases term and permanent life insurance rates is completely dependent on the insurer.

With that in mind, be sure to look for an insurer that understands these aspects of pregnancy and decides life insurance premium rates accordingly. 

Forbes - Ranked #1 “Best Life Insurance Company” in the U.S. by thousands of real customers. Get a quote.

Should You Buy Life Insurance If You Plan To Be A Stay-At-Home Parent?

It’s probably a smart idea for both parents to consider life insurance, whether you work full time, part time, or stay at home. It could be a way to help ensure your growing family remains financially stable in the case of an unexpected death. 

A life insurance payout can help cover more than just funeral costs – it could potentially replace monthly household income, pay off the mortgage, or provide support for expenses like childcare, housekeeping, college tuition, and more.

If you’re a stay-at-home parent, chances are you play a big role in childcare, extracurricular activities, errands, and keeping the house running smoothly. Life insurance coverage can help ease the burden for your family members in the case of your unexpected death. 

When To Apply For Life Insurance While Pregnant

If you’re able to start looking into getting life insurance as soon as that pregnancy test shows ‘positive’ (or even pre-pregnancy), it’s probably a good idea to get that ball rolling. Pregnant applicants may be rated higher by insurers, or postponed for coverage if there are pre-existing conditions, complications of pregnancy, or even a history of certain complications in prior pregnancies. Further, many carriers will underwrite a pregnant woman based on her pre-pregnancy weight, not her current weight; therefore, the ‘baby weight’ is not usually an obstacle.  

You’ve got a lot on your plate, so it’s understandable if applying for life insurance is something that keeps getting kicked to the bottom of your to-do list, but knowing your family has some financial protection if you were to pass away can give you some peace of mind.

What If You Already Have Life Insurance? 

If you’re already insured, pregnancy might be a good time to reassess your life insurance needs. Make sure your coverage amount still fits the financial needs of your growing family. And don’t forget to revisit your beneficiaries. You might want to make sure your new baby’s legal guardian is named as a beneficiary to help make sure your insurance payout benefits your child. 

Buying Term Life Insurance While Pregnant

When you’re expecting, knowing your growing family has some financial protection in place can help give you some much needed peace of mind. Bestow makes applying for term life insurance ridiculously easy (and if anyone deserves uncomplicated and stress free, it’s an expecting parent). There’s no medical exam, no weeks-long waiting period, and the application itself is a simple questionnaire. 

Apply online in minutes — upon approval, you can purchase up to $1.5 million in coverage. Not sure where to start? Get a free quote here

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